Jetlagged and confused, my mind still half living in Hard-boiled Wonderland and The End of the World (I was reading it in Italian, translated by Antonietta Pastore. The Italian title, La fine del mondo e il paese delle meraviglie, leaves out the hard-boiled part. I wonder what's the exact meaning of the Japanese title: ), the novel by my beloved Haruki Murakami that I avidly read on the plane. Sekai no Owari to Hādo-boirudo Wandārando
As Taun himself writes in his website (where you can find much more about this and other books, and also about his many other projects):
Harbour, pencil on paper |
"I realise that I have a recurring interest in notions of ‘belonging’, particularly the finding or losing of it.(...) I think that the ‘problem’ of belonging is perhaps more of a basic existential question that everybody deals with from time to time, if not on a regular basis. It especially rises to the surface when things ‘go wrong’ with our usual lives, when something challenges our comfortable reality or defies our expectations – which is typically the moment when a good story begins, so good fuel for fiction. We often find ourselves in new realities – a new school, job, relationship or country, any of which demand some reinvention of ‘belonging’.(...) I was reminded that migration is a fundamental part of human history, both in the distant and recent past. On gathering further anecdotes of overseas-born friends – and my partner who comes from Finland – as well as looking at old photographs and documents, I became aware of the many common problems faced by all migrants, regardless of nationality and destination: grappling with language difficulties, home-sickness, poverty, a loss of social status and recognisable qualifications, not to mention the separation from family.(...) I would hope that beyond its immediate subject, any illustrated narrative might encourage its readers take a moment to look beyond the
The City, pencil on paper |
‘ordinariness’ of their own circumstances, and consider it from a slightly different perspective. One of the great powers of storytelling is that invites us to walk in other people’s shoes for a while, but perhaps even more importantly, it invites us to contemplate our own shoes also. We might do well to think of ourselves as possible strangers in our own strange land. What conclusions we draw from this are unlikely to be easily summarised, all the more reason to think further on the connections between people and places, and what we might mean when we talk about ‘belonging’."
Che meraviglia, grazie della segnalazione!
RispondiElimina(Il titolo letteralmente e' "La fine del mondo e l'"hard boiled wonderland" diventato quindi "il paese delle meraviglie")
Grazie! E sì, è vero, non ci avevo fatto caso che "Hādo-boirudo Wandārando" era semplicemente la "nipponizzazione" (si dice così?) dell'inglese "hard boiled wonderland". Un vero peccato doverlo perdere in italiano!
RispondiEliminaThe arrival looks fascinating.
RispondiEliminaSilvia! Silviaaaaaaaa! Che bello! Uno dei miei autori/Illustratori preferiti! In assoluto! La mia ragazza colleziona tutti i suoi libri e credetemi, CREDETEMI, sono tutti, ma dico TUTTI NESSUNO ESCLUSO, dei capolavori (termine che uso rarissimamente, quindi fidatevi).
RispondiEliminaSono stato felice di scoprire che alcune sue storie (anche quelle con le parole) si possono trovare tradotte in Italia (dove però nessuno lo conosce...)
Molto bello e molto intenso, sul tema dell'identità, anche "The Rabbits" (te lo consiglio vivamente) che Shaun Tan ha scritto insieme a John Marsden.
Matteo! Mi vergogno un po' di ammettere che non avevo controllato se esisteva la traduzione italiana: peccato di pigrizia per una traduttrice! Sono contenta che lo abbiano tradotto. Il prossimo allora sarà "The Rabbits". Sei stato molto convincente!
RispondiEliminaI'm so glad you enjoy this book! I find it so moving how Tan reimagines our world in totally different forms - inventing his own world (one of my favorites is the spread about the seasons changing) and at the same time evoking that very real feeling of being overwhelmed in a place you don't belong (the perpetual 'straniera'). Time to explore his other work...
RispondiEliminaYes, and I didn't know they were published also in Italian. (Well, in the case of The Arrival they only had to translate the title, which became L'Approdo.)